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Electricity markets around the world are being revolutionised by lower cost renewables, big data, rapid technological advancements, and regulatory change. 

MTA is excited by the opportunities that multi-site businesses present for achieving low cost, carbon zero electricity supply. We are also aware that no business is the same, so being flexible in our approach is essential in delivering the optimal client solution. Therefore, we have developed our business to suit any energy technology or infrastructure such as rooftop solar PV, BESS or energy monitoring systems.

Here are the key tools we use to deliver sustainably low cost, carbon zero electricity supply


Access to Wholesale Market Prices

As an authorised National Energy Market Participant, we provide all our clients' sites - big and small - with access to the wholesale market energy rate.


Electricity market spot prices are being driven down to historical lows as a result of increasing renewables in the market. We pass these low costs directly through to our customers. 


Our clients are receiving a 10-30% commodity cost saving simply by swapping from fixed electricity prices to floating wholesale prices.



Standard Retail Price

Wholesale Price


Market Prices NSW FY2018 - FY2021

Wholesale Prices

Concerned about the uncertainty and volatility of being exposed to spot market pricing?  On average, the yearly spot market price is between 15 - 30% lower than standard retailer tariffs. 



Retail Consumption with Energy Optimisation

Daily consumption patterns become more regular, benefitting from lower wholesale market prices during the day.

Energy Monitoring & Efficiency 

Lower energy rates are only part of the equation - significant reductions in energy costs can be achieved through optimisation of energy consumption.


At MTA, data is at the heart of everything we do, so getting the right data is key to enabling us to do our job properly on your behalf. As part of our service, we will ensure the appropriate technological devices are installed where necessary, including smart meters and third-party EMS systems.


Such technologies enable us to obtain very granular consumption data which is utilised for multiple purposes including accurate emissions and management reporting, and the identification of sites within your portfolio with sub-optimal consumption patterns.

Efficiency & Monitoring

Demand Response

As an extension of our energy monitoring, we can install demand management technologies to optimise electricity consumption across our clients' portfolios.


We work directly with our clients to find solutions that suit their individual circumstances and needs without disrupting day-to-day operations.


Carbon Reduction Strategies

The cost of going carbon zero is significantly lower than most people believe and with greater numbers of customers being environmentally conscious in their purchasing decisions, businesses that are slow to adopt a zero carbon policy will undoubtedly be left behind.


Helping clients achieve a zero carbon electricity supply at the lowest possible cost is core to our proposition and we have spent significant time developing tools and relationships that enable us to deliver a market leading carbon zero energy solution.



The rapid growth in renewable generation is having a profound effect on the electricity grid and the markets that are part of this "system". 


The variability this is causing opens up opportunities for customers to actively participate in the energy market by adopting a range of technologies and strategies. Behind-the-meter solar PV is one such technology which can be competitively deployed in certain circumstances to reduce Network and Demand charges. 


MTA is able to utilise its technical understanding of these systems and its data analytics capabilities to review all the elements of supply from Market pricing, through Network Tariff optimisation to accurately determine the appropriate size of the solar PV array for a facility and its true economic benefit.


Energy Storage


The Electricity Industry has always been faced with balancing electricity generation and electricity consumption. Storage of electricity is the theoretical solution but the technical and commercial elements of this solution haven't been as simple. Electricity storage has traditionally been in the realm of large hydro-electric projects. However, in recent years advancements in battery technologies have resulted in rapidly decreasing costs for this type of storage.


There is the potential that Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) will soon become a cost effective way for industrial users to store electricity and subsequently be able to control their grid consumption patterns. There is also the potential for consumers to actively participate in "production" back to the grid in times of peak pricing.


MTA is able to utilise its technical understanding of these systems and its data analytics capability to review all the elements of supply from Market pricing, through Network Tariff optimisation to accurately determine the appropriate size of a BESS for a facility and also its true economic benefit to our clients. 

Want to know more about what we do?
Get in contact with us.
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