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BINGO Industries Ltd - Integrated Energy Supply Agreement Goes Live

MTA Energy is pleased to announce that its Integrated Electricity Supply Agreement with BINGO Industries has gone live as of the 1st July 2021. This agreement covers all of BINGO sites operating in New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria.

As a new and innovative electricity retailer operating in the National Electricity Market, MTA Energy has created a unique offering for commercial and industrial customers. We have integrated wholesale electricity market access with a high service level client model that leverages data analytics, a cloud-based EMS-IoT system and demand management capability. The net result is significant reductions in electricity consumption levels and costs, driven by increased visibility of load dynamics and wholesale market access. The flow-on benefits from the data analytics and MTA’s spot market access also include verifiable and accurate carbon emissions tracking. This approach produces the foundations from which clients can then implement verifiable Net Zero Carbon strategies whilst maintaining sourcing flexibility in a rapidly changing energy market.

MTA has been working with BINGO since December 2019 across a range of electricity procurement and emissions reduction projects and strategies. The initial work focused on the benefits of installing the MTA, Energy Management System (EMS) at BINGO’s Eastern Creek Recycling Ecology Park facility (MPC1) and selected transfer sites across Sydney. This work expanded to include analysis of the benefits of behind-the-meter Solar PV across the BINGO portfolio, coupled with access to the wholesale electricity markets. The final element of the strategic work was the development along with BINGO of a fully integrated electricity supply, renewables sourcing and emissions reduction plan to enable BINGO to meet its RE100 commitments by 2025.

BINGO awarded the execution role for this work to MTA Energy in April 2021. The scope includes supply to all BINGO facilities within the National Energy Market (NEM) [YK1] including the recently opened Materials Processing Centre 2 facility at Eastern Creek. This world leading recycling facility will feature extensive rooftop solar PV facilities (nominally 2.4 MW provided by Planet Ark Power) and will have Energy Storage capability. The development of these renewable energy facilities further demonstrates BINGO’s ongoing commitment to sustainable processes across its business operations.

MTA will utilise the Simble Solutions Limited (ASX:SIS) SimbleSense EMS platform which is a cloud-based SaaS system utilising infield IoT devices and advanced data visualisation and analytics. This system is further [YK2] adapted by MTA to include its retail market-based data and other third-party data sources to derive an overall view of BINGO’s electricity and Scope 2 carbon footprint in near real time. The strategy effectively fully instruments the site loads enabling increased visibility of the load dynamics, as well as identifying areas of future opportunity for load and demand management. This knowledge will become increasingly important in the wholesale electricity market going forward.

MTA is very pleased to be awarded this contract and we look forward to delivering increased visibility, significant cost reductions and rapid CO2 emissions reductions for BINGO.

“Clearly the cost reductions associated with the MTA Electricity Retail Model were attractive to us. The improved visibility of our consumption patterns, potential areas of savings and the requirement to deliver on our committed RE100 target by 2025 were also significant factors contributing to our decision to award this contract to MTA Energy.”

– Nik Comito, Head of Sustainability, BINGO Industries Ltd.


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